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And You Shall Receive.

13 February 2008

Voice Out

when was the last time you wanted something but was too afraid to ask? when was the last time that your fear held you back and you missed a chance of possibly getting what you want?

when the back of our minds hold us back, we miss many opportunities in life. lets disregard whether the actions you are about to take are positive or negative. had you actually taken the action in the first place?

lets say you want to eat fast food for dinner. but your parents do not usually do so. you are held back by this fact and decided not to ask because it is a lost cause. but what if you did? what if you just voiced out and said what was on your mind? what if you just asked? you parents might just agree, saying they haven't have fast food in a long time. the worse that can happen is that they disagree.

but here is an example Not to voice out. lets say you saw a bunch of bullies bullying a kid. if you voiced out to tell them to stop, you may as well end up as their next victim.

needless to say, it is important to voice out. but it is also important to know when to do so. voicing out at the wrong situations can be very damaging. in any situation, always remember, if you have nothing to lose, voice out.

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