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And You Shall Receive.

27 April 2009


you know the feeling you get when you stay up the whole night to do something you don't want about something you have no interest in for a reason you don't care about but you have to do it anyway? that's what i'm feeling right now.

granted i can actually just ignore everything in the world and not do my four page long essay during the last minute, i did anyways. why? cause i have nothing better to do. oh, except sleep.

suddenly, this became my best friend.

when i'm finally done, i though i would take some pictures since i'm ridiculously bored and class is an hour away so i can't sleep. but guess what, my phone decided to go opn strike and simply refused to take a single picture. fan-tastic. fan-f*&%$#@-tastic. so i had to take crappy VGA scale pictures with my laptop instead of 2MP pictures with my phone.

you see how crappy my laptop webcam is? at least it has a webcam right?

smucker's goober. i mean, its just yummy. i can't help eating it. having a diet of just peanut butter & jelly with bread for more than two weeks is Not good for health. (note: i did not eat that many in 2 weeks. it's collected through several months.)

another thing to make my day crappier is the fact that i'm broke. supported GACClite too much i guess. but i can't deny their sandwiches were good. can't really blame me for buying everything on the menu within three days.

so i'm tired and broke. what else can go worse right? oh wait, finals are less than a month away and i hardly understand my syllables. to top it all off, if i don't score my finals, i might just have to repeat another semester on top of the semester that i already have to repeat. yippee!

why can't they predict the world to end tomorrow instead? that would make me feel much better knowing that i don't need suffer anymore on this boiling planet. i mean seriously, lately the temperature here is so hot, i can hardly sleep anymore. then i wake up all sweaty and sticky, as if i wrestled someone while sleeping.

since i already begam ranting, let me just continue by saying that i want a better printer. its not like i don't appreciate the printer i have now. its laser after all. but of all the types of printer, its monochrome. i can't even use my Own money to print colour with it. i don't have much to complaint about printing speed but it is apparently slower than other laser printers.

at this point, i'm just annoyed with life. i think i'll go get sugar high now and see if that helps me stay awake through class today.

yes, that is a jar of sugar.

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