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07 December 2008

Proof Anime Girls are Aliens

you know when you watch anime, the girls (and guys) are usually out of proportion? this is because they are aliens! what other proof do you need? just think about it. how can they cram their intestines in such a small space? this might just proof that aliens are making animes based on their own anatomy..

if they were aliens, they might have either smaller intestines or no intestines at all! this clearly proves that anime characters are all aliens.

[yes, i know there is not enough space to fit a stomach. stop looking already.]

and if that is not enough, how about the fact that anime characters don't seem to die after an explosion or fall off a tall building? or the fact that an explosion only affects them when it is caused by the main villain?

and it does not stop there. notice how many female anime character have Huge eyes? if it were that huge, how can their brain fit? or is it a fact that their alien brains are tiny but extremely powerful? and why are most male characters having tiny eyes? are the male species of the aliens having bigger brains of equal power?

not to mention, some characters can have large eyes, but when fighting enemies, their eyes turn to the sizes of slit. morphing brain perhaps?

hence, i offer you Cold Hard Proof that anime characters are aliens:

Anime = Alien productions.


  1. HAHAHAHAHAHA! I don't know why but I find this post funny. The pic you posted up though, XxxHolic is CLAMP art, all of them are like that. Not to mention that they have HUGE boobs (XD) and the fact that they can run in miniskirts and the skirts wont fly. = =

  2. R U DUMB?!?!
    yes,xxx holic and the other similiar drawing r plain weird.BUT HOW CAN U GENERALLY SAY Anime= Alien production.
    Most good drawing anime were closely follow 2 our proportion.

  3. Ah... That makes sense, though

    The animes like that (the one with big eyes and huge boobs) are just a fantasy. Not to mention the whole anime is a fantasy itself. There's no way someone would wield magic or transform into a half-mutant being nowadays, however...

    We're talking about the drawing styles here.
    Not all animes drawn with a huge boobs or big eyes, that is just meant to give more 'cute' impression. Notice that some anime have a realistic drawing, and realistic storyline.

  4. @lich king,
    either you're being sarcastic at my joke, or you didn't realise it was a joke. either way, its nice to get comments!

    quite true. no doubt there are some pretty realistic portioned anime characters out there. maybe i should have a [anime characters are not aliens] post too perhaps....
