due to the recent departure of my grandmother from this world, i will post something about life and death that i have been long putting off.
first, consider a car ride to a destination. you get in the car, the car starts moving, then when you finally reach your destination, you stop.
consider the starting of life to be the starting of a journey. and consider death to be the ending of that journey. life, can be seen as only one thing: a journey.
the beginning and the end of life is something equally amazing and horrifying. we live knowing we will die. however, it is what we do during our life that truly matters. similar to driving, we must always make sure we drive carefully.
we live our life like driving a car. we try to make sure we follow the rules (and break some on purpose sometimes) and abide by the law. but although we try so hard, there will always be times when we are challenged to break the law, be it big (killing?) or small (littering?).
like a journey by car, life also has its bumps and times of uncomfort. there will also be times when one wishes time flows faster. and finally, times when you need to refuel.
life as one knows it, is precious and we should guard it well. because the only way life is dissimilar from a car ride is that if life stops, it cannot be started again. when one dies, there is no longer a second chance to live. the window of time that allows a dying person to save him/herself is often small and therefore, one can easily conclude that life is fragile and worth guarding.
why is it then, that there are people who wish to commit suicide? why is it that these people do not appreciate their lives?
when we look out the window of the car of our life's journey, we sometimes see beautiful things. and sometimes, ugly things. when people see too much of ugly things for too long, they crash their car to end their lives prematurely. in real life, one would never crash a car due to horrible sightings but in metaphor, why would any person be so willing to crash their cars (end their lives)?
a human being's brain is hard wired to live. that is why you can't hypnotize yourself to die. but the brain, being powerful as it is, is capable of making you die by pure will. if all you think about is death, eventually, the body begins to break down. immunity level drops. causing the body to be in high risk of illnesses. eventually killing the body.
if all you think about is suicide, eventually, the brain finds ways to do so. but why would a person be even edged to thinking about suicide when everyone knows that there is no 'undo' button for death?
suicide = a fatal escape
when one Wants suicide, one Wants an escape. a means to run away from a problem that seems to hard to resolve. suicide, in their minds, is the only way out.
this post is not intended to make you want or not want to commit suicide. rather, it is supposed to make you realize that suicide is not an answer.
we know if we live, there is a chance to solve a problem. we know if we live, there is more experience to be gained, more joy to be met, more happiness we can aquire. if we die, we know nothing. we know not of where we go after we die. death is just a picture we can't paint.
life is a journey. a journey that will eventually lead many to happiness, and lead some to sadness. if we end that journey, we can no longer move forward to make our lives better. whether you lead a life of joy or grief, as long as you Live, you can do something about it.
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