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And You Shall Receive.

08 May 2007

Chain mails

ever got that random e-mail from that random friend with a forwarded message that says you will die in how many days if you don't repost it how many times? i personally could have died hundreds of times but hey, i'm alive. then there are those annoying one's saying you will be cursed in a relationship unless you repost it how many times. and finally, there is those every time you repost it will contribute money to a victim of whatever. this is possible of course but there is no encoding at the end, and, there are much more better ways to raise funds.

let's not forget of course friendster. in the bulletin board and messages, you could always see one about a certain someone claiming to be owning friendster and saying you must forward it to 20 people to avoid account termination. i didn't forward it and i'm still around. it can't be true because all friendster messages and bulletins cannot have encoding placed upon them. then there is the usual crap chain mails that are already stated above.

so why do people keep sending chain mails? because they got nothing better to do.

and how do we stop these people from sending useless chain mails and wasting our time? simple, just send them the information above or redirect them to read it here.

'what about "good" chain mail?' you may ask. also simple. any chain mail that is non time wasting is worth re-sending. a good example would be chain mail games. but even so, i strongly not recommend sending chain mails. it is too time wasting. however, if you are just bored, then there is nothing i can do.

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