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15 April 2010

A Life Without Dreams

In more than one occasion have I the experience when one asks me what are my plans for the future. What are my dreams. What do I plan to do. In response, I would most commonly say, "I have absolutely no idea".

It may or may not be a commonly known fact that I indeed have no dreams. I ask myself the same question sometimes and a conclusion seems far from my grasp.

In the simplest sense, I want a simple life. Get a job, work, retire. Not much of a retirement plan but I have not really thought about what job I would want either. In contrast, I also want many things in life. A powerful computer, a nice house, good food, etc.

The thing about not having a goal in life is like throwing darts onto a board then drawing a target around it. Without a goal, there is no clear direction where you would want to go or what plan you should make to shorten your journey there.

Having a goal is like the finishing line of a race. Without it, you do not know when to stop, nor would you have the motivation to run in the first place.

Have a dream in life and go at it with full force.


  1. There is no such thing as a life without dreams. Dreams are by extension an extrapolation of your desires, and humans are programmed in such a way that we desire something. It's a basic survival instinct.

    The poor desire basic necessities. The better-off desire luxury. The luxurious desire even more luxury. The chain goes on.

    Just because you can't see a dream now doesn't mean you don't have one - you merely haven't discovered it yet. It might take a year, it might take 10; it might even take forever, but eventually you will discover what really matters to you. Don't ask me why; I am still searching for my dream myself.

    "You can never be lost, if you were never on a path to begin with."

    Just some random words from a random passerby, though you can prolly guess who~
