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And You Shall Receive.

09 March 2008

Two Choices Only

alright, here's the deal. there is a question here that behaves like a poll. you have to vote by sending a comment with your answer. the answers available in this case are choice 1 and choice 2 only. feel free to not comment your answers if you so wish. this poll ends by 17 march 2008. results will be compiled and posted on 18 march 2008. ready? here we go.

if fate would have it's funny ways and you had to choose between your best friend or your boyfriend/girlfriend, which relationship would you sacrifice?

choice 1: lose you best friend to be with you boyfriend/girlfriend
choice 2: lose you boyfriend/girlfriend to be with your best friend

lose doesn't have to mean they die.
there is no choice 3 so don't be a smart ass
suicide is not an option.